07-17-2002: aka 1.0.0 -Added header files for libc functions we are already using, but weren't including the proper header files. -Switched to using tmpfile instead of tmpnam for the temporary file, this will fix the compiler warnings. -The newer bison required a semicolon and would not compile until it was added. -Replaced tmpnam() with mkstemp() because the compiler gave warnings about tmpnam being a possible security hole. -Dependency information now goes in the file depend and will be calculated if the file doesn't exist. -- David Fries 12-16-2001: -Changed license to GPL (with permission from all 4 authors). -Added info to readme about GPL and about lack of support from Timex. -Created manpages for svgablink, serblink, setwatch, and settime They still need work - I'll get to it when I can. -Changed settime default to ironman for consistency w/ setwatch. -Fixed apparent missing semicolon in dataread.y. -Added DESTDIR to Makefile to be more friendly with Debian packaging. -Split Makefile "install" rule into "install" (for basic datalink user requirements) and "install-devel" for items needed only for development. -Added Makefile "uninstall" rule. -- Steaphan Greene 02-14-2001: The changes listed below from Frank Denis were incorporated with exception of the time of the week information, I'll have to look into that later. More important user visible changes are as follows, It will now only search in the users path for serblink and svgablink not any hard-coded paths. Previous behavior was to try the user path and if it wasn't found, try executing the program in the current working directory. settime is now installed by default and will accept a command line for the different types of watches For me, svgablink no longer hangs on exit -- David Fries 02-04-2001: I don't see the problem with the day of week. I'm reverting back to the previous code. Will have to investigate sometime. On my watch the code is correct as it used to be (and is now again). -- David Fries 04-22-2000: Fixed a bug with the day of the week that was shifted by one. Please report if it broke something. -- Frank Denis 04-20-2000: Fixed the path to svgablink. The datalink 150 S protocol was implemented but the "-150s" option was rejected in setwatch. Fixed. -- Frank Denis 04-17-2000: Add support for Datalink 150 S watches -- Frank Denis 04-14-2000: Lots, lots, lots of cleanups to the source code in order to make it compile on modern compilers. -- Frank Denis 01-05-2000: Added a patch from Scottie Shore for a Y2K problem. As localtime(3) reads, tm_year The number of years since 1900. The watch is expecting the last two digits and displays A0 for the year instead of 00. Fix is to take the year % 100. -- David Fries 12-11-1999: Added a patch from Danilo Fiorenzano to Added new function "maxPriority()" to switch to SCHED_RR kernel scheduling policy at maximum priority and lock all pages into real memory, in order to improve timing accuracy. -- David Fries