Project Overview
Group List
Screen capture
Input Configuration file Specification
Planned features
Documentation is given here.
Source code
CVS tree
Our project used a CVS tree to help organize the source code and share
files. This contains the history of all source code as well as
our personal comments at each change.
CVS home page for home information
Name |
e-mail |
David Fries | |
Joseph Barker | |
Donald Benne | |
Geoffrey Roth | |
Ryan Rule | |
Matthew Ryan | |
Philip Thiem | |
Here is an example power grid from the configuration file r118org_g.conf

Example program animation
Click on image above to view an animation of the program in action. It is
an animated gif and 1.2 megs in length.
There are two files that the program reads. The configuration file and the
update file. The configuration file defines everything the program needs
except how much current is flowing on the lines. The update file is what
comes from the backend running and provides how much current is actually going
though each line. Both files are formated with a single character beginning
the line and that character tells what data is contained in that line
configuration file
The character that begins the line is listed along with an explanation
of that what line means and does. An example line follows.
- 'c' comment line
c The algorith is from Goldberg and Tarjan
- 'p' power line, it is the key words 'p max' followed by the maximum
number of nodes followed by the number of edges (lines) in the system.
p max 120 476
- global source, sink: The power system is designed so there really is
only one source of power and one sink for power to go. How this is
actually modeled is there is a transmission line from the global source to
each node that is to generated power,

'n' followed by the node number designated as the global source and the
node designated or the global sink; followed by 's' for source, 't' for
n 119 s
n 120 t
- 'a' arch or transmission line; lists the node the line goes from and the
node it goes to followed by the maximum current the line can take,
currently the file specifies two configuration file lines for each
transmission line, one with the from and two reversed
a 1 2 1244
a 2 1 1244
- 'g' the only addition we made to the confiruation file, this specifies
the node number followed by the geometric x and y coordinates followed by
an optional text string that will be displayed in the program. What is
listed in the demo run is numeric, but it doesn't need to be.
A note about the current impimentation. A geometric entry must be
present for each node listed, and they must start with one and increment
by one until all nodes have geometric information.
g 1 58 24 1
- GUI, Graphical User interface. Buttons namely. Things like quit, run
backend, select all nodes, give information on next selected node, mostly
so the program isn't just a canvas with only mouse interface and invisible
key input.
- who: Philip Thiem
- status: Philip has reported the framework works with the display
portion of the current program and he is working on defining the
buttons and what they will be doing.
- Networking to back end. This is to allow the backend to be independ of
the running program.
- who: Donald Benne, Matthew Ryan
- status: There is code for communicating for the client side and
server side. It still needs to run the backend, get the restuls from
the backend and be integrated with the main portion of the program.
They mentioned having issues with getting notified when a child
process has terminated.
- Improved graphical display. This is planned to include more of a 3D
look, though everything will be drawn on a plain it will have depth to it.
This is to convey more information about the current flow, maximum flow,
and make it more appealing to look at.
- who: Geoffrey Roth
- status:
- Loading an image into the background.
- status: Basically the translation and scalling transformations are the
only thing to be completed to function in the displays corrdinate
- Making an overview window to pan in.
- web interface
- who: Ryan Rule
- status: knoledge for component code is there, just need to write the
programs and put it together
- rendering output for web interface
- who: David Fries
- status: There is code to render and output an image though CGI-BIN
to the web browser, it is waiting on the web interface and networked
backend to run.
By David Fries, April 13, 2001.