
This is a sample running of the program with user interaction (mouse pointer not shown).

Animated image.

Here is a list of some of the features as of April 13th.

What follows is a list of frame numbers and what was happening at that frame

  1. initial state, all lines enabled
  2. animation
  3. animation
  4. animation
  5. Lines between node 5 and 3 are selected
  6. animation
  7. backend was run updating power flow, note node 3 no longer has power
  8. animation
  9. animation
  10. Line between 9 and 10 was selected
  11. animation
  12. backend run and display updated
  13. animation
  14. animation
  15. zooming out (by mouse)
  16. zooming out
  17. zooming out
  18. zooming out
  19. zooming out
  20. zooming out
  21. zooming out
  22. panning
  23. panning
  24. panning
  25. panning
  26. loop back to frame 1