All of these images were created with povray.  I made two different ways to get the 3D effect with each image.  The odd colored way you need colored filters to look at it.  Red for the left eye, and Blue for the right eye.  The regular colored images you need to cross your eyes so one eye looks at each image to get the 3D effect.

If you are luckey enough to have a browser that supports png images, please use this index.  Png is a compressed image format and it doesn't loose quality like jpeg images do.



This was one of my earliest attempt at making a 3D image.  It actually took me a long time to get the grid lines the way I wanted them.  First, I could only get the lines to go one way or another, and with povray if I defined the lines going one way followed by the other way only the last one would show. I finally did a layer in a layer.



I originally had this triangle and sphere infront of the green grid, but I think it looks better against a black background.



This creation took longer than the rest of the images.  As you can see it is a lot more detailed than the rest of the images.  I all of jack by hand, by just typing in the povray image source file.  The white circle and antanna was about the only easy part of the image.  Much of the image was created by adding or subtracting various geometric shapes from each other.  For example his hat is two cones, with part of a circle cutting away the point on the hat.  The nose is made of a mesh of triangles, although it does seem to want to show up very good.  The mouth, well I don't want to go into that, but it was the most complicated part of the whole image.  I have a bigger picture available also.

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